O Hodowi
Nasze Psy
german short-haired pointing dog german long-haired pointing dog english springer spaniel weimaraner
News 2016

24.12. 2016


 We wish You White Christmas, fragrant Christmas tree, snow creaking under your boots, a happy time spent in a warm, family atmosphere, evening full of unexpected gifts. Christmas giving joy and rest and hope for the New Year to be  even better than the one which is just passing.


21.11. 2016

Drago of Zasadkowe Bory - stud !!

It’s my great pleasure to announce that my ANKA’s son , German long – haired pointing dog -- Drago of Zasadkowe Bory (ANKA v.d. Aussenweide & UGO vom Sämmenhof) was included in the list of studs.

Date of birth 04.05.2014

CHPL, PP I, HD-A, intensive hunting dog

Congratulations to the owner Mr. Tomek :)


19.11. 2016

We train ..

Nerd likes working. When I have no possibility to ensure her participation in hunting I must provide some different kinds of tasks. We practice an appeal, leaving, staying calm on the position. The exercise also includes practice with dummy and animals. NERDA works great on trawling. This is her spectacular contribution in kind.

In the pictures her work on trawling is shown - 500m.

11.11. 2016

Goldy and Ellis at the sea ...

The free Christmas Day we went with our springers to the sea. It was hard to restrain GOLDY and ELLIS from swimming in the sea.  The water was very cold, it was snowing and the wind was blowing. It wasn’t a good time for swimming. But for Goldy and Ellis it was the first contact with the sea. They were completely fascinated. They raged along the beach, chased seagulls and other dogs they came across. The girls – I mean our young bitches - must come here again late spring to take a swim. It is their element.


29-30.10. 2016

International Exhibitions in Poznań…

The last weekend of October – 29th and 30th - I spent with ELLIS at the Poznań Fair. There were held two prestigious International Dog Shows - 2 x CACIB Poznan. Our 16 months old bitch ELLIS competed in the intermediate class for the first time in her short life. She presented very well among older rivals. At both shows she got excellent evaluation and 2nd and 3rd place.


02.10. 2016

ELLIS is a new Junior Champion !!

The National Dog Show of Hunting Dogs in Myślęcinek closed for our kennel with the most success. Our springer spaniel ELLIS won the junior class, received titles -Junior Winner, Best Junior and BOS. The win at this exhibition provided ELLIS the title of Polish Junior Champion. The little one has also proved success in the finals. Compared Best Juniors of different races she was the third - BISJ III, that is she  stood on the podium !!!

Bravo ELLIS - I'm proud of you !!!

NERDA made appearance in class champion very well. You can see that after giving birth and bringing up her puppies she nearly returned to form. She received from judge the assessment excellent, I place, and the CAC. We returned home satisfied.


24.09. 2016

ELLIS on attempts of the work...

Today Ellis participated in the Trials for Small Breed Hunting Dogs which were held at the wheel hunting “Żbik” association in Liciszewy. On attempts ELLIS was the only small dog so competed in the same environment as pointers. She had a difficult task because attempts were prepared up to pointers and were held in very high beets. When she was working  I had only seen her flying ears. My little one jumped, chased a hare off and found a pheasant. Judges unfortunately not much appreciated efforts for her and in consequence she received only a Diploma  III /70 of pt. I know that Ellis can afford  more - the rally is being announced PP amendment next spring.


16.09. 2016

Visits Fado (DEVIL Zasadkowe Bory) ..

I had the great pleasure to welcome in our farm Fado, ANKA’s son from the first litter. This charming little dog came from the owners of the southern Poland. Fado is very spontaneous, a little spoiled two year old. He is in love with his Lady. This love is reciprocal, because it's hard not to love such a sweet bully. While staying with me Fado not only met the mother and enjoyed the charms of the fields and forests of the lake but also had the opportunity to train on the trail. I have to admit that he has a talent for tracking. He beautifully passed 600m track. As for the first time he committed a few errors. Fado has an excellent nose !!!


11.09. 2016

ELLIS success ...

On a beautiful sunny Sunday of the 11th of September on the Hippodrome in Warsaw was held The Metropolitan National Dog Show, in which participated our springer ELLIS.

My bitch beautifully acquitted and defeating the competition won the junior class.

ELLIS results: excellent 1/2, Junior Winner, Best Junior

Judge: Galyna Kalinichenko (UA)

Good for you ELLIS, BRAVO !!!


15.08. 2016

FRIDA Zasadkowe Bory is searching for her home....

FRIDA, my beautiful and clever bitch is seeking her place on the earth!! This unusual doggy was supposed to stay in the kennel. Such were assumptions, but due to certain circumstances unrelated with the doggy but with my personal matters I must sell her. I need to find a good home for her, in which she will be loved.

FRIDA is a charming dog, she likes a contact with the man, very much nicely for the pup is retrieving, loves swimming, is attentive and courageous. You can see that she has a passion for hunting. She has a wonderful origin joining functional German – Czech lines...

For more information on parents and litter - the bookmark -puppies, litters to date.

Contact:, tel. 602 791 415


09.08. 2016

Retrieves from water...

Season to ducks very shortly. In order to prepare for it I set off with ANKA and NERDA over the big pond covered with reeds and we practised a shot game of fetching an artificial duck from water. The girls love water so they were happy.


30.07. 2016

The water is cool…

In the Heat of the Saturday we went with our springers to the surrounding lake. Goldy and Ellis joyfully jumped into the water. It was nice to look at their fun, racing, jumping and a variety of fun frolic. It didn’t do without penetrating the area. The girls paddled in the reeds in search of ducks. And they had the greatest delight from rolling around in the marshes. Well, on the return to their house waited  a less enjoyable activity like soak in the tub ...


25.07. 2016

We train tracking ..

Friday and Saturday we spent very actively. With GOLDY, ELLIS and their friend Sova we trained tracking. GOLDY and ELLIS   remembered a Bloodhounds workshop in June in Biała and flacik - 9 month Sova first walked on the trail. It turned out he has a very good sense of smell, and despite his young age quickly understood what is going on on the trail. 


03.07. 2016


GOLDY and ELLIS  at the show in Szczytno…


On a rainy night of the third of July 2016 GOLDY at the National Dog Show in Szczytno (CAC OLSZTYN) our bitch PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus "Goldy" won the open class and received an assessment excellent;  location I., CAC, BB, BOS; and her daughter ELLIS FROM EDEN Zasadkowe Bory in junior class got- an assessment excellent, location II. 

Monika Cyperling was the judge.

GOLDY was in a very good shape, beautifully made appearance and after a win in this exhibition is the Polish Champion.


28.06. 2016

We are not afraid of water ....

GORDON and GRIM are wonderful, bold puppies. Today, for the first time in their short life (11weeks) they saw "a puddle" - that was the pond overgrown with reeds. Our dogs were interested in the new environment, so much water has not seen yet. GRIM first began to soak paws, he encouraged little GORDON  to play. Soon they began to play in jumping and splashing. When they lost ground under their feet, no problem,  they began to swim. After some time they could float and swim without any fear, walking between reeds or jumping from open shore into the water. These pointers  are still surprising me ....





25.06. 2016

GRIM and GORDON- wonderful dogs for the wonderful owners !!


 GORDON, GRIM - two beautiful German short-hair pointers coming from NERDA & BRUNO litter are still looking for a good home.

They are available for sale! !

The dogs are well built, they have a strong bone, good proportions, nice head, good eye pigment.

I recommend my doggies to a hunter or those leading an active lifestyle.

Puppies raised at my kennel are bold, well pre-socialized, accustomed to strangers and other animals. They are used to the noise of agricultural machinery, automobiles and power tools.

The dogs are ready to receive, 2x dewormed and vaccinated. They have a certificate of  Kennel Club (entitling to develop the pedigree Kennel Club), chip and health book.

If interested, welcome to visit my kennel.

More information in bookmark PUPPIES, CURRENT LITTER

09.06. 2016

As time goes by…

It's time to part with my beloved puppies. Eight weeks spent together passed very quickly. By this time my babies has grown a lot. They have changed from tiny, dear, helpless creatures in a fun, delightful, restless, chubby, sweetest puppies. It's hard to say goodbye to this "pack of young thugs." Eighteen puppies and so many different characters, different varieties of beauty! They  all seem to me equally beautiful, equally smart, equally nice. Two litters at the same time to bring up, it was a difficult task. But practicable.

ANKA and NERDA are great mothers – they could cope with caring for toddlers perfectly !!

Dear owners of these cute puppies - look after them, love them - because these little creatures are your best friend. The most faithful friend !!!

10.06. 2016

Successful DRAGO of Zasadkowe Bory !!

With great pleasure I would like to inform you about further successes of my dog from my kennel, german longhaired pointer DRAGO. At the International Dog Show in Rzeszów 21-22.05.2016 he got an excellent CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed -BOB. At the National Hunting Dogs Show in Rzeszow -21.05.16 he also received excellent, CAC and BOB.

CONGRATULATIONS for the owner Tomek. I am happy about it !!.

05.06. 2016

Bloodhound workshop…

For five days from  May the 30th to June the 3rd my girls GOLDY and ELLIS practised tracking. It was a new experience for three of us. When I decided to come to the workshop it seemed to me that everything  will be simple. After all, my dogs have an excellent innate sense of smell. But here there were problems. The dogs went off the track or followed a false scent of animals passing by. I got to know that they have to learn to follow the exact trail, to concentrate on the task, to calm down, to work peacefully and work the lower wind. GOLDY and ELLIS were willing to work, but they have to elaborate concentration and keeping the nose at the path. The site was hard to work on, with a lot of brambles and thickets. Twigs with spikes kept the hair of our dogs so hard that they confused dogs and me – the guide. Work in such an area is difficult for a dog with a long, thick, well-groomed hair. But there are different areas of working for the dogs on the trail of the hunting ground, so this experience for my dogs comes in handy.

15.05. 2016

Show in Łódź…

On Sunday, our two springer spaniels PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus "Goldy" and ELLIS FROM EDEN Zasadkowe Bory took part in the International Dog Show CACIB –ŁÓDŹ.

Weather was not so good for us -  clouds with rain and cold unpleasant wind, but occasionally timid sunshine. It gave hope. Springers require trimming, bathing and drying hair to be nicely presented in the ring. It's a lot of work - rain could destroy everything. However, wet spaniel is a cheerful dog. But we were lucky - when we were in the ring it was not raining. The girls were wonderful and deserved a reward…

Mr. Bertil Lundgren from Sweden was the judge.

PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus; in open class got excellent note and place 1/2 CAC

ELLIS FROM EDEN Zasadkowe Bory; in  junior class won excellent note and place 1 as Junior Winner

Good work, girls!!!

08.05. 2016

We are the world’s 21 days…

On a beautiful sunny Sunday ANKA’s puppies at least three weeks old. From the day od their birth they have grown a lot. They watch  the world with beautiful blue eyes, they have teeth, they  don’t crawl any more but walk and even play with each other. They are cheerful, constantly hungry and they manifest the fact with squealing and whining. ANKA can’t cope with her children to feed them so I started helping her. Today the little ones have eaten their first solid meal. They smeared themselves a lot but their mother quickly licked tasty porridge from their muzzles. Today they have also received names: males are FRANKY, FOKUS, FUKS ; females is FRIDA, FLORA, FIONA, FANTA, FAMA

In the pictures there are our little ones by order of their names


02.05. 2016

 We are just three weeks old…


On Sunday NERDA’s babies are at least three weeks old. They have grown up, you can watch them having  puppy-dog fights, with  use of the teeth. Not only they squeak but bark and even growl angrily. They are really sweet . NERD patiently tolerates her riotous pack. She caresses them, tidies up after them and still is a sensitive mother. Unfortunately puppies are not delicate towards her. They use their sharp teeth, sometimes they can hurt her.

Babies love their mother but I see that they also trust people very much.

26.04. 2016

NERDA’s fourth birthday…


Today is NERDA’s fourth birthday. She is happy as she celebrates her birthday together with the merry band of 10 of those scoundrels.  NERDY is a happy mother, wonderfully takes care of the little ones and wants to do it with great pleasure.

In the pictures below, happy mother with 12 days old babies.



22.04. 2016

Our names start with letter G…


NERDA’s puppies have been given names that begin with the letter G.

The girls are: GAJA, GRACE, GAMMA and GINA

The boys are called: GOMEZ, GORDON, GRIM, GROM, GARRY, GABOR

Puppies are thriving, they took the first steps, their eyes are open and they can observe the world. First, the closer world - siblings and carers, and soon when it is warmer,  they will learn the courtyard.

In the pictures there are 12 days old puppies, four bitches and six dogs, in order  from GAJA to GABOR.

17.04. 2016

Birth of ANKA’s litter…

On April the 17th, ANKA gave birth to 8 beautiful puppies (3 males and 5 females). The birth took place without complications, was quick, lasted 4 hours. This is ANKA’s second litter. The first puppies were born two years ago. With great joy and commitment the experienced  mommy  immediately proceeded to take care of her newborn babies. ANKA has a great maternal instinct. She guards puppies, lovingly licking them, rubbing their bellies. It’s not easy to pull her out of the playpen for a very short walk, because he minds her babies very carefully so,  unfortunately we have to feed her in the pen, where he is with puppies. It’s good to have such a caring mom !!!

Everyone  interested in  little German long - haired pointing dogs coming from  ANKA & WALTER is invited to look through bookmark PUPPIES – current litter.

contact: tel. +48 602 791 415; mail:


10.04. 2016




NERDA is the mother !!!


On the 10th of April 2016 new puppies were born, German short - haired pointers coming from mating NERDA Hubertówka znad Parsęty and BRUNO z Tomešová Dvora. Mother and children are doing well. The puppies are strong, mobile and constantly insisting on milk. At birth, they weighed between 420 - 570 g. They had a very high birth weight, taking into account the size of the litter - 10 puppies (6 males and 4 females). NERDA is a wonderful mother, she looks after her children very well, licks their little bodies massaging their bellies. Puppies are calm, sated and happy. I hope they will grow well. There are still a lot of interesting moments with their mother and later in new homes.

If you are interested in puppies from this litter - feel free  to visit bookmark PUPPIES – current  litter.

contact: +48 602 791 415; mail:



18.03. 2016

My dear little dumplings!!


My girls are getting fatter and fatter.  Day by day NERDA has a larger tummy. Her appetite is nice, she takes up large amounts of food. I have to be careful and not allow her to put on weight too much because she will give birth soon - in more than two weeks !! I am glad, however, that she is in a very good condition -  cheerful and very active. ANKA  in her 33rd  day of gestation, compared to NERDA, looks like a slim model - hi, hi




14.03. 2016

German Long – Haired Pointing Dogs – puppies are coming!!!

In April we are planning puppies coming from mating our bitch ANKA v.d. Aussenweide & WALTER z Mechova. Her pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound examination.

Walter is a dog with wonderful exterior (Zw.Eu’14) with perfect usefulness  confirmed in many contests in the field, water and forest. He got the third place in prestigious international contest – Memorial Karla Podhajskeho and the second place in  Memorial Richarda Knolla .

ANKA has many achievements and exhibition titles i.e Ch PL., Mł Ch PL., Zw.PL' 14, nomination for CRUFTS ' 15. She’s a hunting bitch - PP I.

Walter and Anka are free from dysplasia HD -A , DKK A/A.

More information: tel.+48 602 791 415

Below there are photographs of mother and father of the expected puppies.


10.03. 2016

NERDA is going to have a puppy!!!

It’s my pleasure to inform that our bitch NERDA Hubertówka znad Parsęty is pregnant. The fact of her pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound examination. For the father of her puppies was chosen BRUNO z  Tomešova dvora – a Czech line dog of wonderful exterior, checked at competitions of usefulness. Little doggies are expected in the second week of April.

You will find more information about parents in the bookmark PUPPIES – planned litter, or at tel.+48 602 791 415

In the photographs you can see prospective parents NERDA & BRUNO.  


07.03. 2016

GOLDY at the dog show ...


On Sunday, 6th of March, our joyful springer ran on the ring at the International Dog Show (CACIB) in Zielona Góra. She started in champion class among three other bitches. She gained perfect note, second place and when compared to bitches of other races she received Res CACIB.

Well done, Goldy!!! 


29.02. 2016

Learning and playing – ELLIS at Rally – o workshop.

Last weekend I spent with Ellis at Rally-o workshop. The girl could work with a really big pack of dogs for the first time. At the beginning it wasn’t easy for her to concentrate on the work. She was distracted by dogs and people. After some time she calmed down and gained control over her emotions. We got eye contact. On Saturday Ellis remembered commands she had learnt before and on Sunday we were able to make a story of them all.  She worked eagerly and fulfilled all instructions with rapt attention. Good girl…


31.01. 2016

GOLDY on the track…

Weekend 29 – 31.01 I spent with my springer girl GOLDY. It was workshops on functional tracking organized by Bavaria Team. It was the time of new experiences for us. For the first time in her life our GOLDIE could track a man and I learnt a lot of new things about abilities of a dog’s nose.  Both of us worked a lot:  GOLDY - following the track and me - working with  a turbulent string.


19.01. 2016

Winter play…

Ho, ho, ho, winter isn’t bad for our dogs… They love winter madness in snowdrifts. They love jumping over the fences, digging in snow, chasing after each other, snowbathing… A walk with our dog family is always wonderful, no matter the weather or season of the year. There is always something new to happen…


17.01. 2016

GOLDY and ELLIS at the dog show...

On Sunday 17th of January my two springers - GOLDY and ELLIS - took part in the II National  Dog Show in Brodnica and did very well.  It was a small exhibition and a cosy atmosphere made things good. We met many friends from our Kennel Club because this exhibition was organized by Toruń Section of the Club we belong to.

GOLDY, after the whole year of break according to being a mother and then regeneration of her coat, showed up well, she moved in a spacious way and was really gay. It means that she is ready for performances at shows this year. At this exhibition she won excellent evaluation, II place.

ELLIS, GOLDY’s daughter, started in puppy class, got very promising mark and the title of The Best Puppy of Breed.


04.01. 2016

 Cold noses, cold ears, cold paws!!!

January started with a bitter cold. It was -18°C at night and -15° during the day. But there is no bad weather for dogs lovers!! All dogs love movement. They love running about, jumping, sniffing. We cannot just stay with our friends at the table with coffee or heated beer. We have to put on a warm jacket, cap and boots and run with our dogs outside.

Thank you, Iwonka and Marcel, for the time we spent together. Thank you for visiting me.