O Hodowi
Nasze Psy
german short-haired pointing dog german long-haired pointing dog english springer spaniel weimaraner
News 2014

15.12 2014



The middle weekend of December ( 12th – 14th) I spent with NERDA in the Netherlands. The atmosphere among Dutch and Polish friends was so warm. The aim of our arrival was participation in prestige exhibitions in Amsterdam. Thanks to our friends’ invention we had a very eventful time there. I couldn’t be bored any time, really.

On Friday we took part In Holland Cup 2014 and then we visited a very nice family where live a puppy coming from my breeding farm DONN Zasadkowe Bory. On the Saturday morning NERDA was ready to practise retrieving a Rabbit and stand – up with a great trainer Iwona Porebska. In the evening the dogs stayed at home and I and my friends Iwona and Marek went to terrific dinner in a moody Dutch restaurant. On Sunday another exhibition took place. It was Amsterdam Winner Show 2014 with our NERDA, of course. At the end of our stay in Holland we could have a look at Amsterdam.


26.11 2014


On Wednesday the 26th of November we had a great pleasure to be visited by Ms Monika Węgrocka, the breeder of “Goldy” PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus, who arrived with her springer dog family. Thus we had mother - -"Gracy" Lordsett GRACE KELLY, sister "Pestka"  PIECE OF HEAVEN Venandi Peritus, and auntie CHARM US NOW Tamaam " Vala". My doggy girl was really satisfied with meeting her family and having fun with them but “don’t touch what’s mine” is her motto.

During this short meeting Goldy had her hair cut by a professional groomer for the first time. Thank you, Monica, for you precious advice according to the proper care of springer hair coat!!! On the next exhibition my bitch ESS will look much prettier than ever with her splendid hair.


23.11 2014


At the end of the week on the 21/22 of November our dog family spent time practising hard. The dogs learnt how to retrieve a rabbit, cover the area, they practised stand – up and composure while working. Before more serious tasks we practised appeal. The training was quiet and gave us a lot of fun. DONAR and GOLDY could retrieve a rabbit for the first time in their life. DONAR could cope with fetching both a small rabbit (3kg) and a big one( 5kg). GOLDY picked up and fetched a small rabbit rather, a larger one was too much for her. As NERDA is the most skilled, she completely succeeded in fetching and proper passing on the rabbit.

You can see more photos in GALLERY.


19.10 2014

GOLDY and her sister PESTKA…

At the International Dogs Show in Poznań GOLDY met her sister PESTKA. The girls sniffed at each other very thoroughly and each of them turned towards their close friends. PESTKA was watching her Miss Monika with great admiration. GOLDY was a bit anxious when I was stroking her sister – a jealous one! Well, they couldn’t recognize each other as the last time they had met in June 2013 when two month old GOLDY left her mother and the family to live in a new home. I hope they will have a good opportunity to meet each other later in less stressful circumstances. I think they will make friends after they have played together and run across the fields and forest.

I was enchanted by PESTKA’s charm and subtlety. What a wonderful bitch she is!

En face the sisters are very similar to each other!!

19.10 2014

Nomination for CRUFTS for ANKA!!!

We are proud of our German long – haired pointer ANKA’s result at the International Dog Show (CACIB ) in Poznań!!  ANKA started in open class, was judged by Mr. Andrzej Brabletz. She presented herself very well  :) She received excellent result, the first place and the titles of CWC, BOB, the Winner of Poland 2014, CACIB and was appointed for Nomination for CRUFTS 2015.

Annie, you are wonderful <3

05.10. 2014

GOLDIE’s wonderful score…

On a wonderful sunny Sunday there took place the Hunting-dogs National Show (CAC) in Bydgoszcz with presence of our two bitches – German long – haired pointer ANKA v.d Aussenweide and English springer spaniel PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus. We were accompanied by DONAR – Anka’s sonny which could see with his own eyes a numerous variety of creatures of the same kind for the first time in his life. He even made friends with some of them. The atmosphere at the exhibition was nice, we met many our friends, hunting dogs lovers. Our dogs did well. ANKA received perfect assessment , CWC, BB, BOB, and in the class of junior dogs GOLDY got perfect assessment, too, and the titles of YOUTH WINNER, BEST JUNIOR, BOB, BIS JUNIOR III, BOG III.

Super GOLDY!!!

05.10 2014

The second Show of DORIS Zasadkowe Bory.

Our German long – haired pointer DORIS –a bitch coming from our kennel – successfully presented herself at the National Show of Pedigree Dogs in Rybnik (5.10.2014). Having started in young dogs class she got a very promising first place and the title of THE BEST YOUNG PUPPY IN PEDIGREE.

Good job, little DORIS :) Congratutalions to Małgosia and Mirek – our little one is superb!!!

26.09 2014

DONAR Zasadkowe Bory is waiting for a new home!!!

DONAR Zasadkowe Bory, smart German longhaired pointer, with promising exterier and

use (DL) is looking for a new Master. DONAR is the last ANKA's puppy from the litter D

that hasn't got his owner yet. Nowadays he is 4,5 months old. He still lives at my farm.

He is very clever, learns easily, likes water and walking on the fields. For his age he

perfectly retrieves ducks from water and is very proud of it. He responds to the sound of

the whistle. He shows bitterness on predators. DONAR is my travel companion to the city

thus he is accustomed to urban traffic. The dog stays in our house or  in the kennel.

Most of the time he runs in the big garden. He has all required vaccinations.

If you are interested in our DONAR, don't hesitate  to contact us:

Tel: +48 602 791 415, mail:


20.09 2014

DORIS Zasadkiowe Bory debut on Show !

DORIS Zasadkowe Bory, our ANKA's 4 months old daughter, took part in a Show for the first

time in her life. Having started in the class of younger puppies at the National Pointer

Exhibition in Pszczyna (20.09.2014) she got assessment  of very promising, the first place

 and the title of the Prettiest Younger  Puppy.

Congratulations to the owners, with wishes for further success!!!


16.09 2014

ANKA, GOLDY,NERDA and ducks...

It is full season for the ducks. My doggies haven't hunted yet but they have been trained to

follow the living duck, fetching the duck from water and proper passing on to the leader. The

doggies were very involved, working with passion. They wanted to hunt down the duck but it

hid under water. GOLDY was very amazed that the duck could escape so fast and disappear

under the water. She was so desperate she even dove. My three puppy girls were able to

retrieve ducks from water, but  passing  them on to the leader properly was a bit

troublesome. We have to work on it and then go on hunting !!

15.09 2014

GOLDY at the working test...

On  the 13.09.2014 our young springer PIECE OF GOLD checked her hunting predispositions

at Pomorskie Próby Pracy Wyżłów I Psów Małych Ras (Pomerania Working Tests for Pointers

and Small Dog Breeds) at Osada Leśna Gaj near Zblewo, organized by Polish Hunting

Association in Gdańsk. The Head Judge of Working Tests was Ms Anna Jedlińska who

evaluated dogs working in water predispositions. GOLDY wasn't afraid of shooting,

passionately covered the area and got 4 points. Maximum 4 points she

received for willingness to work in water and for aptness to obey and cooperation with the


She completed working tests earning 105 points and first class DIPLOMA

04.08 2014

NERDA Hubertówka znad Parsęty  - a New Champion of Lithuania!!!

At the beginning of August we went with NERDA to the exhibitory weekend to Lithuania.

From 1 to 3.08.2014 there were three exhibitions at the airfield in Druskienniki.

Two international (CACIB) and one club exhibition of pointers (CAC).  The first day of

evaluation at the ring was in the pouring rain but on  the two following days embers from

the sky harassed the dogs and the people. We came back home martyred but happy.

NERDA came out very well. From three judges coming from different countries Sweden,

Italy and Russia, she got 3 x excellent, 3 x the first place and 3 x CAC and


She won the title of LITHUANIAN CHAMPION

15.07. 2014

Our first time....

On a hot day we went with our pack of doggies for a walk to the ponds. They ran, hustled,

wet their paws and blindly jumped into water. They were simply happy.

At the age of 10 weeks, for the first time in their life, they had a bath in a natural reservoir.

They liked playing, running and bathing very much. They felt in their dog's element.

They weren't afraid of anything, nothing could stop them. After some time I had to stop

their play as they were trying to swim farther and farther  I was afraid it all could lead to

unhappiness. Control six  amused and raging dogs in water isn't easy at all !!

There are some more photos taken during  the walk at the ponds in our gallery.




09.07 2014

Heat, heat, heat!!

On Tuesday the temperature outside reached 35o.  Our adult dogs were swimming in the

ponds to get cooler while the little ones were playing around with the drenchers. They were

running, jumping, trying to catch the streams of water. They were happy!!!

That day they could make acquaintance with Garni - the new inmate little tomcat.


06.07 2014

Our little ones are leaving for new homes!!!


DORIS, DRAGO AND DEVIL have new owners. They left mother and began their first steps in

the world. They found their new life in the loving families. Now they are facing new

experiences and adventures. Good luck, dear doggies!!!

Good luck to their new masters. We wish satisfaction with the puppies. Let them become the

best friends of yours.


23.06 2014

Review inspection of  breeding litter


On Monday 23.06.2014 our  farm was visited by breeding committee from the Kennel Club

to carry out an inspection of the litter. In the composition of the committee  were kennel

judges and veterinary doctors. Our 7 weeks old little pointing dogs were evaluated for the

first time in their life. Each of them was marked tattoo. After the inspection the committee

issued a protocol.
The results of the inspection:
Puppies are healthy, well – cared for, in good condition.
Testicles descended into the scrotum.
Puppies mother is in a very good state, healthy.
According to the puppies  book of health, they were vaccinated and worms freed.
Puppies and their mother stay in standard terms and conditions.
Signatures of the members of the Committee:

15.06. 2014

Our puppies are 6 weeks old!!! 

Our long – haired pointing dogs  are thriving very well.They are gay, brave, full of energy.

They play a lot. They love eating!!!  They are crazy about cooked goat meat. Now ANKA feeds

them occasionally. They spend a lot of time in the open air. They are fond of carrying a toy,

pheasant wing,  in the mouth. Sometimes it is a little thing covered with rabbit fur.

They are being accustomed with noise and now they are not afraid of sounds of saw, tractor

or other farm equipment. They also can get used to sound of shooting because there is a rifle

range near here. They don’t respond to such sounds.  They don’t stop  playing or sleeping.

 If you are interested In our delightful doggies,  please contact us:   mob. 602 791 415


12.06 2014

German long – haired pointing puppies  are waiting for  new friendly homes!!!

08.06. 2014

An important day in the puppies life!!!

Today our German long - haired pointing dogs,  ANKA v.d. Aussenweide and UGO’s vom

Sämmenhof children, are five weeks old. It is a very important day for them as they got

names. They started a new stage in their life – making their own unique personality.

Since now they are not a pack of dogs, now they are DORIS, DINO, DRAGO, DONN,

DENIS,DONAR, DEVIL, DEXTER, DIDZEJ – puppies coming from the kennel of


In our internet site GALLERY each of them will have the own photo gallery!!

30.05. 2014

Puppies’ play and their first meal…


After three weeks from the birth the puppies are growing very fast. Catching  and pulling

about siblings’ ear, mouth, paw – this is their clumsy play. Then they got interest in toys,

  pursuit after  each other in the room. They reacted very funny when we tried to feed them

with some solid meal. It was “Baby dog milk” with rice  gruel. Our sweeties turned heads

aside – they preferred mother’s milk. Soon they learnt to take food from a plate. It’s nice to

feel full belly ?.

They have a good  appetite so ANKA has some free time and can rest from her puppies’ sharp

stubbing little teeth.


26.05 2014

Our puppies are three weeks old

ANKA and UGO’s  kids  are three weeks old now. 

They are very agile and  want to see everything around. Their first steps on the ground are

quite stable and  secure.  It’s  all happening Puppies’ under control of their vigilant mother.

18.05. 2014


The day of the first departure!!!

(ANKA v.d. Aussenweide x UGO vom Sämmenhof)

On the sunny Sunday our little long - haired pointers "went out" for their first walk. In reality

they were carried  out in a basket. In the  new surroundings they felt uncertain and unsteady

until their mother ANKA arrival . She  looked after  them carefully and the puppies were safe


The walk didn't last too long but it was a new experience for the group of doggies growing so


16.05. 2014

Puppies are opening their eyes.

It is a great day today. The puppies are opening their eyes!!! At the beginning  the eyes look

like little cracks but soon the little creatures  will be able to see each other  and , of course,

their loving mother ANKA.

Doggies are getting more and more efficient, they can lift their bodies on the paws, they are

taking their first uncertain steps. They are really enchanting !!!

04.05 2014




On Sunday evening ANKA v.d. Aussenweide  gave birth to eight puppy boys and one  girl.

Delivery proceeded happily and lasted only 3,5 hours. Mother and her puppies are all right.

They are all brown, some have brown traces tie or sock – shaped. Their weight after birth was

350 – 450g. Now they are always hungry and in need of mother’s custody.

I hope they will grow up to be wonderful dogs and they will  become good companions of their owners’ hunting passion, good family friends.

If you are interested in buying a dog, please contact us: +48 602 791 415,


29.04 2014

ANKA’s  fifty sixth  day of pregnancy ...

Day by day there comes the time of delivery. The expectant mother feels very well and is in a

very good condition. She is resting more than before but cannot stand running in the fields or

bathing in the ponds. She is joyful, eats a lot and still needs caress. We hope ANKA  will look

after her puppies very well. We can hardly wait to meet and see her puppies.

Below are some photos of our ANKA v.d. Aussenweide German long – haired pointing dog

in an advanced stage of pregnancy. More photos are put in Facebook. WELCOME

13.04 2014

Happy thirteen!!!

The thirteenth of April was a happy day for us (I like thirteens…)
At National Dog Show in Inowrocław our bitch NERDA  Hubertówka znad parsęty turned out

very well and achieved CWC, BOB, and BOG I – she was  WINNER OF GROUP VII

and PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus , ESS bitch, received wonderful description and very

good assessment and an excellent second place.

12.04 2014

GOLDY wins!!!

Leaving for  National Dog Show  in Grudziądz was very successful.

PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus (GOLDY) led by Kamil, looked magnificent and gained these titles:

Junior Winner,  Best Junior, Breed Winner (BOB),

and another bitch NERDA  Hubertówka znad Parsęty got a excellent , I place , CWC (CAC).

05.04. 2014

ANKA  v.d. Aussenweide is pregnant!!!

Yesterday ANKA was examined in a veterinary office.  USG check – up confirmed her pregnancy. The mother – to - be feels well, is gay and active but became fastidious and fussy.  We must indulge her every whim.  Such are bitches waiting for their young.  Information about UGO vom Sammenhof , the father – to – be, can be found in section PUPPIES -Welcome !!!

Below are two photos of UGO.

08.03. 2014

At National Dog Show in Włocławek, our young bitch PIECE OF GOLD Venandi Peritus (Lordsett WHITE LIE x Lordsett GRACE KELLY),  appeared in Junior Class, and was ranked second. That was a great success, as she lost only against a 7 months older bitch. We are happy she gained a very good description.  Well done, GOLDIE!

03.03. 2014

Anka and Ugo's love affair

At the beginning of March ANKA was sent to reproduce to the south of The Czech Republic to Szumawa Park where  her first intended man – UGO vom Sammenhof – lives.
Ugo is a beautifully built male of high usefulness. During his meeting with ANKA, thanks to his experience, he fulfilled his duty fast and with no problem. Now  we hope to see in nine weeks the offspring of this love affair  – little German long – haired pointing baby dogs.

25.01. 2014

At the International Dog Show in Głogów,

we introduced our dogs – German long – haired pointing dog ANKA v.d. Aussenweide and

German short – haired pointing dog NERDA Hubertówka znad Parsęty. Their group (VII) was

refereed by Brian Grace (IRL).

ANKA got a very good , Nerda got a excellent, CWC and res.CACIB


19.01. 2014


NERDA  took part in collective pheasant hunting for the  first time.